
XSS Injection

Cross Site Scripting Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications. XSS enables attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages...

XSS with Relative Path Overwrite - IE 8/9 and lower

You need these 3 components 1) stored XSS that allows CSS injection. : {}*{xss:expression(open(alert(1)))} 2) URL Rewriting. 3) Relative addressing to CSS style sheet : ../style.css A little exa...

XSS in Angular and AngularJS

Because some reason u can see this post on here

PostgreSQL Injection

PostgreSQL injection Summary PostgreSQL Comments PostgreSQL version PostgreSQL Current User PostgreSQL List Users PostgreSQL List Password Hashes PostgreSQL List Database Administrat...

Oraclesql injection

Oracle SQL Injection Summary Oracle SQL version Oracle SQL database name Oracle SQL List databases Oracle SQL List columns Oracle SQL List tables Oracle SQL Error Based Oracle SQL ...